Leisure & Learning

Members looking for opportunities for personal development or to pick up a new pastime can find stimulating gatherings each week at the Club.

The Toastmasters Club draws public speaking enthusiasts and those in need of a few presentation pointers, while the Club's bridge and mahjong sessions attract seasoned players and newbies alike. The Logan Room is also used by Members to play other card and board games. 

All these activities provide excellent forums for meeting other Members while learning a new skill or hobby.

The TAC Toastmasters Club provides a fun, supportive setting in which to enhance your communication, presentation and leadership skills.

Started in 2013, the TAC Toastmasters Club (one of nearly 16,000 Toastmasters clubs worldwide) draws around 20 participants to each meeting.

During vibrant get-togethers, group members deliver speeches, provide feedback, serve as timekeeper or monitor speakers’ ums and ahs.

  • Each first and third Wednesday of the month: 12–1:30pm
  • Members: ¥2,420
  • Guests: ¥2,900 (should be paid in exact cash)

Looking to play the ancient Chinese game of skill, strategy and calculation? Drop by the second floor venue, where mahjong sets are available. Please note that mahjong table reservations are not available. 

  • Daily: 9am–9pm
  • William Logan Jr Room (2F)