INTOUCH Magazine

Tagged under: COMMUNITY | VOICE

Fourth and Millions COMMUNITY | VOICE

Fourth and Millions

Each year, college football players are slightly bigger and faster.

The business of college football, however, has been changing at a more rapid pace, and with stunning force.

From the Ashes COMMUNITY | VOICE

From the Ashes

“The fire trucks are here,” my wife said as she shook me awake.

“We have to go!” I could tell it was serious by the alarm in her voice. It was 1 o’clock in the morning on August 8.

Sax and the City COMMUNITY | VOICE

Sax and the City

Jet-lagged and barely an hour into my first visit to Tokyo, I wandered into the HMV record store in Ginza. It was 1997.

I found myself flicking through jazz CDs. It was a sort of antidote to the time-difference delirium and a connection to home in England, where I was a frequent visitor to music shops.

Drawing a Blank COMMUNITY | VOICE

Drawing a Blank

What do you mean leave it blank?” I incredulously asked my art teacher as we sat in the grounds of a tranquil temple outside Tokyo.

I was sketching a garden of spider lilies and stone statues. Having finished the main subjects, I wanted to fill the rest of the page with clouds, birds, trees and more. Why stop when I had so many colors with which to work?

Savored Moments COMMUNITY | VOICE

Savored Moments

It was January 2019 when I lit up my first cigar at the Club.

I was following that time-honored tradition of smoking a cigar to celebrate the birth of a child. In my case, it was the arrival of my grandson, Leo.