Finding Her Purpose

Finding Her Purpose

One Women’s Group member is putting her business acumen to good use.

Sitting in the Winter Garden, Member Gabriela Mandrea considers the most interesting project of her marketing career.

With 25 years’ experience across business sectors and borders, she needs a few more sips of coffee to ruminate. Ultimately, leading the marketing campaign for the American soft drink giant Coca-Cola at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics wins out.

“It was an amazing experience; a unique, lifetime opportunity,” says Mandrea, explaining how the energy of the event made it particularly special.

She recalls her months in the Russian city, steering a team of 600 that oversaw promotional events at the airport, Olympic Park and other sites. While a career highlight, she says her approach to marketing remains the same: people-centered and putting yourself in consumers’ shoes.

Now Mandrea is applying her know-how in her role as communications director of the Women’s Group, managing the organization’s promotion strategy and rebranding. Though she admits navigating the unfamiliar world of a nonprofit operation is sometimes a challenge, she is keen to give back to the Club, which helped her settle into Japan more than two years ago.

“One of the first places I saw in Tokyo was the Club. I was so impressed and felt so secure immediately,” says Mandrea, dressed in jeans and an embroidered cotton shirt from her native Romania.

Since then, she has seen firsthand how the Women’s Group supports Members while raising money for local charities. When Mandrea was approached to volunteer, the timing was fortuitous. For the first time in her career, she was not working full-time and, having reached one of life’s milestones, 50, she was keen to try something new.

“I have this time, this energy and so much knowledge, so I thought why not serve this group of people, the community of TAC and the community of Tokyo by helping out? I think [this role] is the best thing that could have happened to me. It’s my ikigai,” says Mandrea, using the Japanese term for life’s purpose.

“Our mission to enhance the lives of our members is a driver, as are the ladies with the same energy, passion and will to do good,” she adds.

Mandrea is excited to utilize her business and management skills while sharing her expertise.

“Marketing is in my blood,” she says. “Whatever I do, I put on my marketing glasses, asking the different committees questions like ‘What is the objective of this event? Who are we talking to? What do we want people to feel, to learn, to do after they leave the event?’ When I see we are bringing together ideas, that really makes me happy.”

Mandrea’s priorities include improving the group’s communications and the marketing of its events. She is also working on refreshing the Women’s Group brand.

While there is much to do, Mandrea appears far from daunted. “If I rest, I rust,” she says with a laugh.

Contact the Women’s Group Office or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn about volunteering opportunities.

Words: Kathryn Wortley
Image: Enrique Balducci