Coping with the New Normal

The global coronavirus pandemic has left upheaval, death and uncertainty in its wake.

With lives disrupted, millions in Japan and abroad are adjusting to a new normal of working from home, online meetings and lessons, strict hygiene regimens and periods of isolation.

Such drastic change to everyday routines can take its toll on people’s mental health.

At two free webinars, titled Coping with the New Normal: Building Resilience and Agility, Vickie Skorji, director of local counseling service TELL Lifeline, will offer mental healthcare advice and answer questions.

Meanwhile, on October 14, three local healthcare professionals share their experiences of the pandemic and what they have learned at a TAC Talk panel discussion.


  • Oct 15 (2–3:30pm) & Oct 23 (10–11:30am)
  • Organized by Connections

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