Enrichment Programs

Connections offers dozens of stimulating enrichment programs to all Club Members.

From Japanese culture and cooking to art, the classes cover a broad range of subjects and are taught by experienced instructors.

Enrichment programs are open to adults. The ¥3,500 registration fee per class is waived for Connections members. Class and material fees vary.

Explore the possibilities from the programs below.

All Material fees are paid to the instructor directly in cash, unless stated otherwise.

Please see policies and procedures.

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Club Study Hall: After School

Mon Jan 13 to Fri Mar 07

After school lets out, the Club's sessions of high-energy activities and creative games for kids just get going.


Preschool Prep

Mon Jan 13 to Fri Mar 07

Kids get a head start on school with a program that develops their cognitive and social skills.


Toastmasters Luncheon

Wed Jan 15 | 12pm to 1:30pm

Members elevate public speaking and leadership skills at a spirited lunchtime workshop.


Toastmasters Luncheon

Wed Jan 22 | 12pm to 1:30pm

Members elevate public speaking and leadership skills at a spirited lunchtime workshop.


Winter Reading Challenge

Wed Dec 04 to Wed Jan 15

Calling all detectives!