火, 21 11月 2017 00:00

Members Elect New Governors

Seven Members were voted onto the Board of Governors in the Club's annual election.

The results of the ballot were announced at the Club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 21. 

At the first Board meeting following the AGM, Michael Alfant was selected as representative governor. It is Alfant's second consecutive one-year term as representative governor.

In other Board positions, Jesse Green and Alok Rakyan were named first and second vice president, respectively, with Machi Nemoto selected as secretary and Michael Benner as treasurer.

2017 Board Election
American Citizens

  • Michael Alfant
  • John Flanagan
  • Sam Rogan
  • Betsy Rogers

Japanese Citizens

  • Kenji Ota

Other Nationalities

  • Alok Rakyan

Women's Group Representative

  • Chalice Markowitz