木, 27 4月 2017 00:00

Cellar to Be Renovated

A new-look Cellar, the Club's B1 shop, wine cellar and DVD library, will be unveiled on May 29.

The space will combine casual, café-style seating, complete with a range of drinks, sandwiches, pastries and snacks, with an updated selection of Club-branded merchandise, gifts, apparel and wines.

The Cellar will close for renovations from May 8, while the Prestia ATM will be closed from May 9 and reopen on May 17.

During this period, The Cellar's services will be housed in the nearby Beate Sirota Gordon Classroom.

The B1 Member Services area will also undergo changes, with the front desk repositioned. The desk will close on May 8 and reopen on May 16.