月, 26 4月 2021 00:00

Seasonal Wines Selected

France and Italy proved the winners at the biannual Seasonal Wine Taste-Off on April 15.

Nearly 60 Members sampled seven white wines and seven reds from regions in France, Spain and Italy before voting for their favorites.

Henri Bourgeois' 2019 Petit Bourgeois Sauvignon Blanc from France's Loire Valley was chosen as the Club's seasonal white wine for May to July, with the 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon from Tonon, in the Italian region of Veneto, the seasonal red.

Meanwhile, the white and red for August to October are a 2019 Stocco Traminer Aromatico Dal Borc, from Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy, and Berry Bros. & Rudd's 2017 Good Ordinary Claret by Dourthe in Bordeaux, respectively.

Seasonal wines are available on menus throughout the Club.