Temari Ball Workshop (Series)

Temari, meaning “ball made by hand,” is a traditional art that embodies cultural traits such as attention to detail, discipline and beauty in simplicity.

Temari balls were originally made from old kimono swatches by mothers for children to play with. In today’s world, they can be found on Christmas trees or displayed as cherished items that embody their owners’ passion for art.

In this class, students will start at an absolute beginner’s level, and move from wrapping foam balls with yarn to creating complete balls from scratch featuring basic patterns made with cotton and silk threads.

Amisha has been learning the art of temari from a renowned Japanese sensei for the past 10 years and received her master’s certificate from the Japan Temari Association in May 2020. She has participated in temari exhibitions and commercial booths at various events in Tokyo, including Club sales events.


  • Sep 18, 25, Oct 9, 16
  • 10am–12:30pm
  • Beate Sirota Gordon & Haru Reischauer classrooms
  • ¥13,000 (materials fee: ¥5,000)
  • Non-Connections members are charged an additional registration fee of ¥3,500 (waived for Connections members).
  • Cancellation deadline: Sep 11