Autumn Flower Arrangement

Let’s embrace the colors of fall together and make a beautiful basket arrangement with autumn flowers and red and yellow leaves.

Using accents such as red berries, we’ll create an array of sophisticated and stylish designs.

(Image is for illustration purposes only.)

With a diplôme d’animation florale artistique from France’s Floral Art Association, Chikako Yoshimoto specializes in French-style flower arrangements. The longtime Connections member became interested in European floral design while at college in Tokyo and later trained in Britain and France.


  • Nov 6
  • 10:30am–12pm
  • Beate Sirota Gordon & Haru Reischauer classrooms
  • ¥3,500 (materials fee: ¥6,600)
  • Non-Connections members are charged an additional registration fee of ¥3,500 (waived for Connections members).
  • Cancellation deadline: Oct 30